
Exploring real life topics from this enlightening perspective on life

Firey red and yellow image like paint merging together

Wholeness is Your Nature

Wholeness is your nature. The spiritual essence that you are is wholeness itself, already. How could something ever be outside of something that is infinite? Pause a moment. Recognise that truth.…
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Enlightenment Event, Imogen Sita Webber, Heather Egginton,

I Used to React Against This

I hadn’t spotted this before! I just watched Imogen’s and Heather’s conversations back to back and heard the alignment between them both, but expressed uniquely. Both sharing that you are…
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Woman leaning towards the camera with a happy and laughing expression, and doing the peace sign with both hands

Some people balk at this…

…reliable happiness. I was running awakening workshops a few years back, and my co-facilitator and I would suggest to the group that we are only ever looking for reliable happiness.…
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Your Body is Always Showing You

Sara Priestley and I were chatting last week about that thing when you go on holiday and your body collapses in illness because you’ve given it a chance to stop.…
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Physical enlightenment Helen Amery

Who would want to hear from me?

‘Who would want to hear from me?’ – this is one version of a consistent theme I hear from brilliant people! It breaks my heart! I also hear… I’m afraid…
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Physical enlightenment yoga release flexibility

Why Physical Enlightenment?

“No matter what we know intellectually, or rationally, if the body is still producing a threat response in a situation that has been interpreted as a repetition of a childhood…
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Life ring on the rocks next to the sea

Are you a Rescuer?

If you’re a helping professional there’s a good chance you tend towards being a rescuer. I certainly was. I was an expert. I had it down to a tee and…
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handing over a delivery parcel for a return to sender

Is This Feeling of Inadequacy Yours?

Have you ever considered that the ideas you have about yourself aren’t actually yours? Have you ever considered that you’re carrying something, collected as a child, that belonged to someone…
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