Sara Priestley and I were chatting last week about that thing when you go on holiday and your body collapses in illness because you’ve given it a chance to stop.
I used to blame this phenomenon on my corporate job. But when I went self employed, and the pattern continued, it forced me to look in the mirror and see that it was me that was the ‘problem’. In spite of the freedom to choose my own hours, I was still working too hard, pushing and efforting.
It led me into this whole exploration about our inner world determining our outer, and that what I really wanted was to feel slowed-down on the inside.
Then the outside flows from there.
One of our Enlightenment Event group had a brilliant experience of this recently too – an ‘accident’ that to most people is ‘just an accident’ but to me was a beautiful shining example of the body saying ‘please stop’. Giving her an experience of slowing down, and showing her how beautiful and valuable a slowed-down inner experience is.
Have you had something like this too?
An illness, an ‘accident’, perhaps even a chronic condition, that forced you to slow down, or even stop. To force you to pay attention, and listen to yourself.
Did you learn the lesson? Did you stop and listen? Or is the body still trying to teach you?
Would you rather, now, consciously pay attention and listen?
If you’re the ‘pay attention and listen’ kind, this month is so perfect for you.
Session upon session of gently slowing down, relaxing, releasing, listening, hearing.
Hearing yourself.
Like a month of immersive, deep retreat, into you.
Gentle connection with you, and your body.
It’s going to be beautiful!
In May we’re giving voice to, and bringing breath and movement to the body so it can release what it’s been holding onto. So that you can relax. Gently, gently, inviting forward whatever wants to be seen and heard. Gently bringing everything back into remembrance and conscious inclusion.
It’s through this we feel whole and embodied from the inside out.
It’s through this that the body can stop having to force us to stop.
If you prefer to watch videos about this month, they’re all in a Physical Enlightenment playlist, click here, or click below.
Here are just a few of the love-filled comments about The Enlightenment Event so far…
“All the women leading this programme are absolutely incredible and the energy that everybody brings is so kind and so loving and so gentle.”
“What an amazing call! I resonate so much with everyone’s shares. Thank you to everyone for being so open and vulnerable. I got so much from all your shares.”
“I’m a very head person and I started off very much in my head but it feels like I’m being carried down the river, gently moved away from my head to other places.
I’m being carried to explore places I’ve not wanted to explore but at the same time it’s a very friendly river, there’s nothing hostile about it.”
“It’s a very holding space, the week’s flow by. It’s seamless.”
“The way it leads on from one thing to the next. It truly is brilliant!”
“I totally feel like my body remembers all the past collection of uncomfortable emotions that were not ‘allowed’ and so it’s looking more and more true that the only way forward is to tenderly make friends with what was not allowed in the past.”
Would you like this in your life?
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1. I choose £333
2. I choose £177 (because I want to become a Wild Fig Community member too)
3. I choose £87
The first 10 people to join May on £333 and £177 receive a bonus, private 1:1 session with the expert of their choice.
Anna, Emily and I look forward to welcoming you in!
What do you want to ask?
Email me here to ask all questions, wonderings and curiosities are very welcome.
Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash