The Enlightenment Event

Revealing Your Aligned Expression.


A month-by-month journey to lighten your experience, and reveal more and more of your aligned expression.

Each month is a complete journey in itself. The more months you join, the more enlightened you feel!

Join for the months you want so that you resolve the resistances in your system, enlighten your experience of life, and reveal more of your aligned expression.

Doors open for August – Enlightenment Integration – on 29th July at 9am

Keep reading for more info.

When doors open, you’ll have three payment options so you get to make the payment that feels good for you – £333, £177 or £87. All payment levels get the same access – it’s simply to give you the freedom to choose for your budget.

And bonus – the first 10 people to pay £333 or £177 each month get a private one-to-one session with the expert of their choice.

Come back then or sign up to the newsletter to be kept updated.

What Is The Enlightenment Event?

A month-by-month programme to resolve repeating patterns of resistance and limitation, enlighten your experience of life, and reveal more of your aligned expression.

Each month is a complete journey in its own right, so join for one month that matters to you, or join multiple months for increased impact.

Uniquely designed so that you get to bespoke the programme to your needs – join for the specific months you want.

Each month is a complete journey in its own right. The more months you join…the more impact you experience.

The doors for Enlightenment Integration open on 29th July. (Keep scrolling for more info.) But you also get to join and access all the content from the previous months to create your own, bespoke journey.

The whole programme is designed to help you release resistance to being your natural, aligned, unique expression. Because being yourself feels so good.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it and embrace them.” Rumi

“Feeling lighter – that explains how I feel. I don’t feel like I’m getting rattled by anything, but none of it is conscious.
None of it is that I’m consciously practicing anything. It just is. It just is. It’s calm. It’s peace.

“This was very powerful”

That was an aha moment for me.”

“What an amazing session. It was such a powerful session!”

“I just love the way you explain things in such a simple but powerful way.”

“I hear things fresh and with greater resonance every time I listen to you speak.”

It’s just brilliant! Unbelievable to bring all these people together and provide something like a wellbeing weekend, but which lasts for many months.”

Doors open for Enlightenment Integration on 29th July at 9am

There are three reasons to join when the doors open again. Which feels like a good fit for you?

  1. I’ve been on all of the journey till now, and I want to immerse in this month of integration in my life, while also getting to keep engaging with others in the programme too.
  2. I’ve been on some of the journey, and I want to clarify what I want next. I know that being in conversation this month, while being able to dip into the past content, will help me.
  3. I’ve not been on any of the journey. I want to use this month to come in and explore the past content in my way, on my timelines, with the bonus of getting to join this month’s calls too.

This month is a month of space, to create the journey that you want.

Here’s more about those three options:

  1. I’ve been on all of the journey till now. For those who’ve been in all the preceding 6 months, it’s time for a very valuable pause. A sanctuary of space. To notice, reflect, and realise everything that we’ve done since February. As a society we are so programmed to be doing all the time, but there is absolutely equal value in the pause. The pause and expansion allows realisations to drop in. It enables every level of your system to catch up and integrate what’s been done, what’s been seen. All the previous content remains available to dip back into whenever you want. Or maybe you want to put all the content down, and simply use the live calls as an opportunity to connect actively. You make it work, for you.
  2. I’ve been on some of the journey. For those who’ve dipped in for a month or two, this time is for you to come back and engage to clarify what’s next for you. The calls will provide a space to hear from others, to realise triggers that continue to repeat, to have options and possibilities sparked, and to hone in on the right next move for your journey. With all the content there and available from the first six months, you get to follow up straight away on those inspirations, and engage with the workshops that are most aligned and alive for you.
  3. I’ve not been on any of the journey. For anyone who’s not joined anything yet, this is a perfect month to come and explore freely! All the content from the last six months is there and available. For the greatest impact, start from the beginning and move through the whole programme in your own timing. Or if you know there’s something specific for you, pick and choose the months you most want. Or you could start with the live calls this month, to listen to others who’ve already experienced the journey, to help guide what you want to explore.

When you join, you stay for as long as you like, with payments made monthly, like a membership. So when you’re ready to go, you cancel. The programme runs till the end of October, and access remains open till April 2025, so you absolutely have time to come in and make this journey your own.

There are two calls this month which provide you with the space to process, discuss and share, while you fully immerse in living life. (Calls are on 7th Aug at 1pm UK and 28th Aug at 7pm UK).

Are you feeling the call?

Doors open again on the 29th July. We’d love to welcome you in.

If you’ve not seen anything about the programme before…

We’ve been moving through an ever-deepening and enlightening journey. Diving into the layers of experience that hold the conditioning you’ve collected in life. Releasing and resolving this conditioning at every level, to release you back into your aligned expression – which feels SO GOOD!

Keep reading for more, to see The Full Line Up (what we’ve covered and who our experts are), and to decide that you’re ready to feel like yourself again.

There are also playlists on my YouTube Channel – go straight to this one for The Enlightenment Event which contains everything.

Download Your Personal Event Planner here.

The Enlightenment Event is perfect for you if:

  • You want to enjoy your life more.
  • You want to feel authentic and natural more of the time.
  • You want to speak up, without fear of getting it wrong or looking stupid.
  • You want to feel assured in your wants, without fear of being rejected.
  • You want to give things a go without doubts and uncertainties.
  • You want to uncover the real you from behind the masks and effort.
  • You love following an eclectic path – but sometimes you feel like you’re fumbling your way in the dark.

If you’re nodding or feeling that inner *yes* to even just one of these statements, then this is the programme for you. It provides a pathway for your enlightenment so that you are looked after, and guided, leaving your focus and attention for realising, releasing, and integrating.

It provides you with an array of wisdom and an expanse of approaches so that you explore your resistances from a multitude of angles. Bringing love to every corner of your whole system. And revealing the aligned expression you long to be.


“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman

I want to say how much I’ve loved this. The TRE shaking in April was incredible, and now bringing the voice in, and breathwork aswell – I’ve seen how these things were being held back. Particularly the shaking and the voice. By going through this Event – it’s like the next perfect thing comes and it’s an ‘Oh yes! This is what I want’. The way it all comes together makes it even more powerful.”

“Thank you both for such a beautiful conversation ❤️
I love the idea of transcendence INCLUDING the human experience, and how this leads to ‘falling in love with the human experience’. I’d often thought it was about escaping the human experience, as it was something to be got rid of, with true happiness available once this had happened (classic ego!).”
I’m so enjoying The Enlightenment Event – I feel like it’s challenged me to explore more than I have before. And I’m loving everyone else’s engagement in it too as it both brings me joy and holds up a mirror to some sticky stories I still cling to. Really looking forward to next month.

Doors open for Enlightenment Integration on 29th July at 9am.

When doors are open, you’ll have three payment options to choose from, so you get to make the payment that feels good for you – £333, £177 or £87.

Come back then or sign up to the newsletter to be kept updated.

What you experience when you join

The feeling of being your aligned self.

You’re going to experience insights and realisations about your life, your behaviour patterns, and the places where you’re stuck in a repeating loop.

You’re going to feel the warmth of being taken care of, as you’re guided through this journey,  presented with the next perspective to explore your experience with.

You’re going to release old patterns, and move stuck energies, returning you to greater flow and alignment.

You’re going to receive 12 valuable tools, techniques and approaches that you can use ongoing as you move forward from here.

BUT – all of this is only available if you want it. Is your heart calling you to it? Do you feel open to possibilities? If you want these outcomes, you need to come ready to meet the experience with a commitment, an open heart, and a readiness to see and be in a new way – a way that feels more like you.

What do you reckon? Are you in?

At a practical level:

Join for the months you want – one month, three months or all nine. Join whichever months you want.

12 enlightenment experts, across 9 months, providing deep-dive workshops across the 6 themes, before we transition into an essential phase of integration, reconnection and celebration!

Plus when you join, you get access to all the previous monthly content.

  1. Make it Visible (Feb) – how do we even know what’s available to be enlightened? This month shows you how to recognise what’s here for your inclusion and love – what’s here for enlightenment – setting you up ready for…
  2. Psychological Enlightenment (March) – our thinking (which can be quite noisy) is often the first doorway for enlightenment that we move through. This month will lighten your experience of thought so that your pathway is cleared to reveal your feelings and emotions…
  3. Emotional Enlightenment (April) –  having enlightened our thinking, our emotions tend to become visible for attention. They’ve been asking for attention all these years and this month will show you how to turn towards them, give them space and include them. In lightening your emotional experience the body comes forward for love…
  4. Physical Enlightenment (May) – given our past experiences, the body is holding energetic patterns that have become stuck. They want to be seen and released so they can move naturally again. This physical enlightenment clears the view finder so you more clearly see your spiritual nature…
  5. Spiritual Enlightenment (June) – whether direct or progressive path, this month lightens your experience at a fundamental level by looking to the source of who we really are. The source of all healing and enlightenment. Now more easily seen, ready for culminating the journey in…
  6. Whole-isitc Enlightenment (July) – sometimes a modality just can’t be put in one category – they are all-encompassing – and so that’s what this theme is for. You’ll resonate with divine light, and be invited to remember your own divine light, readying you for integration and being in the world through…
  7. Integration (August) – this month you receive two integration calls to process and connect to everything that’s been received so far.
  8. Reconnection (Sept & Oct) – this is here because we so quickly forget what we’ve already been given. Each week, for these 6 weeks, we’ll reconnect to each of the 6 themes, and the tools, techniques and modalities the experts brought. By remembering what’s already been received, you’ll reconnect to the ones you want to use right now, to shine some light on your life.
  9. Celebration (30th Oct) – the culmination of the journey, the celebration of your shifts, the enjoyment of your expression. We meet for a final call to close our journey in style, and in celebratory honouring of everything we’ve traversed, released and revealed.

Plus spontaneous and surprise bonus value is getting added in along the way!

It’s hosted in a community space so you get to talk to your fellow explorers, and all the experts. Asking your questions of them direct as you go.

You get access to all the interviews and free gifts from The Enlightenment Summit.

This means you’re getting a wealth of resources, an overall map of enlightenment to navigate your journey with, and the embodied experience of enlightening so that more of your unique expression is revealed.

All of this, uniquely designed, to reveal your aligned expression.


“If the only thing people learned was not to be afraid of their experience, that alone would change the world.” Syd Banks

What people have been saying about The Enlightenment Event…

I’m so enjoying The Enlightenment Event – I feel like it’s challenged me to explore more than I have before. And I’m loving everyone else’s engagement in it too as it both brings me joy and holds up a mirror to some sticky stories I still cling to. Really looking forward to next month.
“This looks really amazing! So organised and inviting. So much work and clarity and vision has gone into this. I can feel the power of it!”

“Every single month there’s another thing that moves me further and deeper into myself.”

“This feels so aligned and alive. I’m looking forward to joining!”
I am blown away by the impact this is having! I knew it had the potential to be powerful but the realisations that have come this month have been beyond what I expected!”
“This is the truth – it’s such a multi-faceted exploration. All these angles are so valuable.”
“Thank you so much for an amazing month of content, and for a lovely call.”

“It feels so practical, and real, to bring all this together.”

“This is brilliant the way you’re bringing all of this into one place. I’ve felt so lost on my journey.

“I can’t wait to hear from all these experts and experience their modalities.”
“The blend of workshops, calls, and personal reflections have left an indelible mark on me. I’m filled with immense gratitude towards Nicky, Clare, and Helen for their guidance and wisdom throughout February. Their contributions have been invaluable.”

Download Your Personal Event Planner here.

The Full Line Up

February – Make it Visible – how do we even know what’s available to be enlightened? This month you get deep dive workshops with:

Nicky Drew – Going Towards What You Want

Clare Dimond – The Perfection of the Design

March – Psychological Enlightenment – our thinking (which can be quite noisy) can be the first doorway for enlightenment that we move through. Bringing the thinking that’s been revealed in February, this month you get deep dive workshops with:

Dr Amy Johnson – The Power of Looking at What Thought Even Is

Grace Bell – Question Your Thinking, Change Your World

April – Emotional Enlightenment – having enlightened our thinking, our feelings and emotions tend to become visible for attention, and for our love. This month you get deep dive workshops with:

Steph Hodgson – TRE – Releasing stuck emotion through the body

Ilona Ciunaite – Getting into close relationship with emotions

May – Physical Enlightenment – given our past experiences, the body is holding energetic patterns that have become stuck. They want to be seen and released so they can move naturally again. This month you get deep dive workshops with:

Emily Phillips – Sound + Voice ~ Freeing your Expression

Anna Sagar – Embodying Breathwork to connect to the wisdom of your body

June – Spiritual Enlightenment – whether direct or progressive path, this month we look to the source of who we really are, which is the source of all healing and enlightenment. This month you get deep dive workshops with:

Sara Priestley – Direct Path Awakening – the simplicity of your nature as the foundation for enlightened living.

Nicola Lipscombe – Progressive Path Awakening – surrendering within to remember yourself

July – Whole-istic Enlightenment – sometimes a modality just can’t be put in one category – they are all-encompassing. Remembering our resonance at the frequency of light. This month you get deep dive workshops with:

Imogen Sita Webber – Supporting Embodied Enlightenment Through Divine Light Transmissions

Heather Egginton – Homing in on Your Natural Gifts by Igniting the Whole Fire Within.

August – Integration – two calls this month provide you with the space to process, discuss and share while you fully immerse in living life. All from your new perspective given everything you’ve revealed, included and released.

September & October – Reconnection – a call each week, for 6 weeks, to reconnect to the 6 themes – because we so easily forget what’s already available to us. This will embed and cement the approaches, modalities and techniques that you’re being called to the most.

30th October – CELEBRATION – our final, celebratory call, to appreciate and honour everything that you’ve traversed, everything you’ve revealed, and everything you’ve resolved within your own system so that the unique light of your aligned expression is being revealed.

Join us for The Enlightenment Event and reveal your aligned expression.

How do I join?

You have three payment options. (If you prefer listening and watching: Watch a video about your options here.)

1. Join on the ‘I see the value, I can pay the value’ option

Doors open for Enlightenment Integration on 29th July at 9am

£333 per month.

This is perfect for you if you can see the full value of this programme and you want to, and can, match that value with what you pay.

The first 10 people to join on the £333 and £177 Payment Options each month will receive a bonus thank you of a private, one hour, one-to-one session.

No matter how many months you want to join for, you simply join, and pay monthly until you cancel.

If you want to leave and return later, no problem, it’s an easy process so that your payments stop until you come back.

The link you receive to join takes you straight into The Enlightenment Event where you’ll see a Welcome video from me.

If you joined The Enlightenment Summit, use your same login details to access The Enlightenment Event.

To help you make the right choice, there are no refunds. Please refer to the full terms at the end of this page before going ahead.

2. Join on the ‘I like the half-way payment’ option

Doors open for Enlightenment Integration on 29th July at 9am

This is the discounted option which gives you a half-way house payment.

£177 per month.

Maybe £333 seems too much, but you know this is worth more than £87 a month to you – so you would love to pay £177.

This is perfect for you if you know you want in, and this investment level not only feels like it honours what you’re going to receive, but also increases your commitment level so that you do the programme like you mean it.

Plus the first 10 people to join on the £333 and £177 Payment Options each month will receive a bonus thank you of a private, one hour, one-to-one session.

No matter how many months you want to join for, you simply join, and pay monthly until you cancel.

If you want to leave and return later, no problem, it’s an easy process so that your payments stop until you come back.

The link you receive to join takes you straight into The Enlightenment Event where you’ll see a Welcome video from me.

If you joined The Enlightenment Summit, use your same login details to access The Enlightenment Event.

To help you make the right choice, there are no refunds. Please refer to the full terms at the end of this page before going ahead.

3. Join on the ‘let’s make this easy’ option

Doors open for Enlightenment Integration on 29th July at 9am

This is the lowest price option because if you want in, then we want you in, and we don’t want finances to be a barrier.

£87 per month.

This is perfect for you if you know there’s more of your aligned expression to bring to the world and you just can’t invest at the level of the other two options right now.

Indeed, you might feel like your misaligned expression is the very thing holding you back from your full earning potential – you’re in that chicken and egg, catch 22 situation.

On this level of investment the programme you get is exactly the same. We simply wanted to provide a more affordable option. The bonus with the £333 and £177 Payment Options is the opportunity for a private one-to-one session. Other than that, everything is exactly the same.

No matter how many months you want to join for, you simply join, and pay monthly until you cancel.

If you want to leave and return later, no problem, it’s an easy process so that your payments stop until you come back.

The link you receive to join takes you straight into The Enlightenment Event where you’ll see a Welcome video from me.

If you joined The Enlightenment Summit, use your same login details to access The Enlightenment Event.

To help you make the right choice, there are no refunds. Please refer to the full terms at the end of this page before going ahead.

Ready to Reveal Your Unique, Aligned Expression?

Doors open for Enlightenment Integration on 29th July at 9am

When doors open again you’ll get to choose the payment option that feels good for you – £333, £177 or £87.

Come back then or sign up to the newsletter to be kept updated.

Got Questions?

Drop me an email

Subscribe to my newsletter

To be kept up to date with all the latest news and insights.

Terms of The Enlightenment Event

    1. On sign-up you’ll be able to log in / create an account, and you’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to access The Enlightenment Event space.
    2. You have access to all the expert Summit interviews, free gifts, Event workshops, and any other goodies, for as long as you are in the Event space, or all the way through to the end of access in April 2025, whichever is sooner. 
    3. All the content within The Enlightenment Event is private and confidential to those who have paid to be here. Please don’t share any content, videos, zoom links, or other’s personal experiences outside the Event. Being found to do this will lead to you being removed from The Event. For the complete Community Code, go here.
    4. The first 10 (ten) people to join across the monthly payment options 1 (£333) and 2 (£177) each month, receive a bonus, private, one-to-one session. If you leave and return for another month later you don’t receive the private session bonus again, even if you joined within those first 10.
    5. If you have chosen the Pay Monthly option, payments continue each month until you cancel. This includes the time from the end of the programme (end of Oct) until end of access for all (end of April 2025). You are fully responsible for managing your payments and there are no refunds (see number 6. below)
    6. Please refer to this page for how to pause or end your access and also for how to re-join when you come back for later month(s).
    7. To support you making the right, considered choice for you, there are no refunds. Please consider the right choice for you before you buy and get in touch if you have any questions to help you decide.
    8. The Wild Fig Community member discount pricing is only available from within the Wild Fig Community. Please join the Wild Fig Community first to get access to the links, and don’t share them outside of there.
    9. Wild Fig is not responsible for any of the ongoing coaching, guidance or general working experiences that you have with the experts outside of The Summit and Event.
    10. Wild Fig reserves the right to alter the programme, speakers and workshops if unforeseen circumstances result in a speaker being unable to attend, or a date and/or time needing to be changed.

I look forward to meeting you there.
