Intuitive Energy Clearings

What’s an Intuitive Energy Clearing?

These might also be called Channelled Messages, or Healings, or Energetic Tune-Ins. I tune into your energy field and receive insights into what’s keeping you stuck. You can have Remote sessions, or Live ones. You choose.

Why have an Intuitive Energy Clearing?

Do you have a repeating pattern in your life that you feel you’re done with?

Maybe you’ve tried other ways to change the pattern and nothing’s worked.

And perhaps it feels like there’s something deeper going on that you can’t get to any other way.

This is when an Intuitive Energy Clearing is perfect.

I help you come into clarity with what’s going on, and clear, resolve and integrate what’s been keeping the pattern stuck in your system.

More About It

When I connect into your energy, with the question or problem you’ve brought me, I receive clarity about:

  • Out-dated limiting beliefs or ideas that are holding you back and are ready to be cleared
  • Unresolved past lives that are continuing to drive behaviours today which are ready to be healed
  • Soul contracts that are no longer supportive and which can be respectfully ended.

As well as this clarity and clearing, I might also receive:

  • Messages or guidance for you as you move forward
  • Plus sometimes I’m guided to offer a short Energy Transmission to support the whole process.

It’s all designed to resolve the repeating patterns that feel stuck in an ongoing loop. And you’re ready for them to stop.

What others say…

“Prior to my energy clearing with Helen, I was feeling quite caught up in relation to my worthiness following a recent job rejection. In the week leading up to my session with Helen, I had done some enquiry into this area and gained perspective, I therefore came to the session with a different concern, but it quickly became clear to Helen that there was still more to see in this area and the energy was far from cleared. During the energy clearing I felt a powerful connection to my younger self, which gave way to an emotional release, leading to a shift in perspective and deep set limiting beliefs. It was totally unexpected but exactly what I needed in that moment. I came away feeling lighter, with a renewed compassion for my ‘self’. I’ve certainty noticed an opening and softening in this area since my session with Helen and I’m now able to hold and acknowledge my younger self from a space of love, so that she understands that she is safe and is free to let go.”


“I approached Helen for an Intuitive Energy Clearing to help with a lingering feeling of ‘what next’ that I’ve been sitting with for a few months. I’ve recently moved back home to the UK and I’ve been struggling to settle back in and figure out which direction to take (career/location etc.). I have also recently completed my Yoga teacher training, but have been concerned about how I can teach and also ‘get by’ with the low earning potential, so I have been trying to get back into a corporate role to help me get back on my feet financially. After minimal progress with the jobs I’ve been applying for and a general feeling of overwhelm with the number of options to consider, I approached Helen for some guidance.

I always enjoy the Intuitive Energy Clearing process, we start by grounding to get relaxed, I like to close my eyes and settle in while Helen does her thing. On this particular occasion I came to it feeling very calm and balanced, but, when Helen started feeding back what was coming through, I had a very quick emotional reaction. I started crying and had a burning sensation at the base of my throat, and my face started twitching, I have experienced this sensation before so it didn’t concern me. I had some lovely guidance and messages of love and support come through, mostly encouragement towards exploring Yoga.

We finished by moving into a transmission where I had a wave of calm come over me, I stopped feeling emotional and settled into it. We generally wrap up in silence. On Helen’s recommendation I normally stay where I am for a few minutes after the call has ended to sit and soak up the lovely energy.

About an hour after we ended the call I couldn’t believe that I was contacted about a job I’d applied for earlier that week, which threw me because it was a corporate role, the exact thing I had started to feel like I should move away from. I spoke to Helen about this and we discussed ‘why not both’. I have recently had my first stage interview for the corporate role, and I’m leaning in to Yoga teaching, and planning a small event for close friends and family. I’m excited to see where this goes and am so grateful for the guidance from Helen.”


“I am wanting to launch a new group programme and I wanted to get some guidance on – more broadly what I’m here to do and specifically, whether this feels like the right direction to be moving it.

I have worked with Helen before and love how she weaves in the practical with the spiritual. So it began with a gentle exploration of what brought me here before the energy clearing began. Helen is a master at making you feel safe and held whatever is going on. She gently guided me through what she was doing so I felt included yet separate from the guidance coming through her. I felt relaxed and curious throughout – like Helen had one arm around me whilst she was speaking to her guides. I also loved the fact that I could ask a question and receive a ‘live’ answer!

This was a first for me so I felt curious about what had happened, and strangely connected to some deeper energies at play that I hadn’t previously been conscious of.

A few days on I feel less of a knot of fear when I think about doing this thing. I feel more expansive and open and ok with whatever unfolds. I’m excited about having this as another go to option for when it feels like something is blocked or stuck! Thank you Helen, I love see the expansion of your gifts and offerings and I’m particularly excited about this one!”


How do I get an Intuitive Energy Clearing?

There are two ways to get an Intuitive Energy Clearing – Live sessions or Remote sessions:

Live Sessions

For these you are with me live, on Zoom, so you can ask questions as we go along. You have two options for these:


Book one session on it’s own, or choose a block of six.


Have a Live Intuitive Energy Clearing during an Awakening Conversation or Enlightenment Conversation session.

Remote Sessions

For these you don’t have to be available at the time I tune in for you. I simply report back on the insights and messages that have been seen, cleared and resolved. You have two options for these:


Book a session on it’s own, or choose a block of six.


Become a Level 4 Member of the Wild Fig Membership Community for one Remote Intuitive Energy Clearing per month. Places are limited so Apply for Your Place Here

Do you want more of my back story to these?

I’ve written about that here. It’s fair to say I never expected to be doing something like this!

Want to know the step by step of what’s involved when you have an Intuitive Energy Clearing?

  1. You come with a specific question or problem that’s been showing up as a repeating pattern. Something you want clarity on and, most likely, a resolution to. If we’re having a remote session, you tell me about it in a message or email. If we’re live you tell me when we meet.
  2. I drop into that meditative space – it’s like dropping into that space of open awareness. I connect to your Higher Self, and any guides that are involved, and see what comes up. There’s an allowing and seeing. I’m guided in the open space. Following where I’m led. As it unfolds I ask questions to deepen the clarity and understanding of the situation, and then I’m guided to what’s needed for clearing and resolution. If you’re having a remote session you don’t need to do anything for this part. I will do the session and message or email you afterwards with what happened. If you’re having a live session, you sit with me, in meditation if you want. I’ll keep you updated as we go along, and there might be question you want me to ask during that process too.
  3. During this process I get the feeling of things clearing, healing and releasing, and often you will feel it too.
  4. For a remote session I then I tell you what I’ve seen, heard and felt, and you share back what resonates, or doesn’t.
  5. For both types of session I tell you any guidance or suggestions I’ve received for you to take into life.
  6. And then you see what changes in your experience!

What others say…

“I’ve felt very light and energised since our session on Tuesday and am recognising some of the burdens around family that I’ve been clinging to as mine and don’t need to so feeling a sense of clarity and release there. Thank you x”


“I felt a constant tiredness, feeling disorganised and knowing that I was distracted from my awakening exploration. I hadn’t looked in the community for a while, or even listened to my usual non dual podcasts.

I came to Helen in the hope I could find a way through this really draining period. When Helen suggested an Intuitive Energy Clearing, I wasn’t sure what to expect – I waited at the time with some anticipation and a bit of skepticism: wondering what energy it was that was going to be cleared.

Listening to Helen speak, I became aware of such a weight… draining my energy holding the tension of two forces pulling in opposite directions, and realising that I was trying to hold a fine balance. I hadn’t really seen this tension until then, and now I was suddenly able to see it – the futility of holding on to this belief in my separate self.

This realisation, this shift in seeing, felt so significant – and since that time, the impact has been subtle but consistent and noticeable. I can see the tension still but it feels less tiring. I’m thinking and engaging – being curious again about this journey and I know I’m not stuck.

I honestly didn’t expect to see such an important change through this – thank you so much Helen for helping me see.”


“From the start of the session Helen put me at ease and helped me focus in on the route of my question, and talked me through the intuitive energy clearing process.

I felt a sense of calmness as we progressed, as Helen mentioned clearing some protection around my heart and there was a subtle but noticeable change in the sensations in that area and some tears came.

I sensed a truth and recognition with what Helen shared during the clearings, it ending with a dip in energy and a quietness. At first, in the days afterwards, I didn’t see any shifts then, almost altogether, realisations to do with my question created changes in my perception, bringing alignment in that area.

Helen creates a safe space where you can trust her to work with your energy and unblock negative patterns that do not serve you and restore balance, in a clearly expressed and easily understood way.​”

Thank you xx


Ready for Intuitive Energy Clearing?

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Book a discovery call

A call to find out about each other to see if we want to work together.
