“I feel so lucky to have bumped into Helen a few years ago, I love being around her and it often feels magical ! she has been a very important and inspirational person in my life, as my coach, guide, mentor and a loving friend. She never fails to intrigue me.
When she first mentioned her encounter with the Mace Energy Method in the Wild Fig Community, she did so with such radiance and joy it was clear she’d seen something huge. What I love about Helen is her tenacity to go toward something she really believes in.
As she was still training to practice the Mace Energy Method I grew more curious about what she was sharing with us and couldn’t wait to try it out for myself, so I decided to go with another practitioner, as Helen wasn’t yet qualified. Following my initial 2 hour session I began to feel pleasantly ‘empty’, like a huge weight had been lifted off me, and there seemed so much more capacity and space to live life with more reliable clarity and authenticity than I had seen previously. This continued to expand, allowing more of the unconscious, deeply impacted below the surface stuff to emerge without much ego involvement or resistance. It seemed like there was more courage available to hold and witness everything unfolding.
After a while this expanded feeling plateaued. Things continued to settle and shift but not at the same initial speed. Once Helen was ready to take clients I didn’t hesitate to book a Subsequent Session with her. I had a few obvious things that I wanted to clear that had seemed to become freed up from my initial Foundation Sessions.
Now I have so much available ‘right now’ capacity without it going via the uncertainty loop of questioning / narratives… that loop of questioning / narratives has been noticeably quiet !! It feels like so much alignment with the whole system. It feels integrative, conscious and liberating!
I was astounded by how quick and direct Helen worked through my ‘stuff’ and discreation happened swiftly – it was really cool! I felt complete and clear after our session and I love how simple and effective this method is. It quite literally blows my mind !”