What Clients Say

Do you want this too?

I can’t explain it but it feels different. Like there’s a lack of charge in things that would have been a trigger.

The same things are happening but they’re not having the same effect.

There’s much less self-attribution with what’s going on. It feels like everything’s just happening. In the past I’d have been saying to myself ‘that shouldn’t happen’ or saying to myself ‘why’s that happening?’. I’m now feeling so much less in my head. It all feels a lot lighter.

And that now means I dream about what could be, instead of thinking about what’s already gone.

It’s changed how I’m carrying myself, and how I’m being. And people have commented on it. There’s this quiet confidence. And an obviousness – like, why would I not feel this quiet confidence? There’s vulnerability without it feeling like I’m being vulnerable – I’m just sharing authentically. And I’m able to stay present and centred when there’s a potential for conflict. I can see the whole picture, the context, my part in it, their part in it. And I can stay in open communication about it. Instead of reacting and shrinking away.

Mace has been a significant game changer for me. I have been pleasantly surprised with how my executive powers have gone through the roof!

I am so much clearer about what I want to do and just get on with getting it done without that sense of resistance I used to experience.

Thanks so much, Frank

Frank, Transformation Coach

I’ve spent 20 years in serious self-development.

Every modality I experimented with was useful, nudging me closer to freedom.

Yet still there was an undercurrent I couldn’t shift, a nagging doubt that I wasn’t worth loving.

I was pretty sure I knew where it had started and I also knew logically that it wasn’t true, I have lots of people in my life who love me, but it still hung around taking the shine off my experience in subtle ways.

I’m amazed and delighted to say that the Mace method took that tarnish away. I still remember laughing afterwards when you asked me if I could say with certainty that I wasn’t lovable and I literally couldn’t say it anymore.

There was just a solid knowing that it was no longer true for me. Nothing short of astonishing!

Since the Mace sessions, I’ve felt my perspective shift in subtle ways and in lots of places that I wasn’t expecting.

It’s a gentle growing sense of peace. Thank you.

Leadership Coach and Mum

I’ve hated my face and body for as long as I can remember – a glance in the mirror prompting a slew of judgements, a camera pointed at me invoking horror. And I used to judge others negatively based on their appearance in a dumb ass attempt to make myself feel better about my lumpy bumpy ugliness.

And then I took some stuff to Mace (not this specifically) and all those feelings evaporated. I now like what I see and the thoughts around my appearance are based on objective observations alone. And what’s even lovelier than that is I now see the beauty in everyone around me too. I noticed it whilst out and about on holiday, observing a lady on the train who would have usually involved my judgement I instead found myself admiring her tattoos and even told her so. It brings me to tears (the good kind) as I type this now and realise how much Mace has changed my life in this way.


I now ask for help when I need to – no longer being afraid to show I don’t know something. Only today I got someone to help me check in my bag and attach the label at the self check in, and then assist me again at the bag drop. Previously this would have brought about feelings of shame and ‘less than’ but today I actually felt proud and grateful.

I stop and look at the map openly when I’m unsure (before Mace I would skulk in the shadows afraid to let people see my ‘incompetence’) and I go in to restaurants confidently, taking up space assuredly as a woman travelling alone. I feel so much lighter as I navigate my way physically in the world.


My work email inbox is an unfiled ‘mess’ and I don’t care 🤣 In the past, having more than 5 or 6 emails in my inbox would have invoked huge stress and panic – god only knows what I thought it said about me??? But now, I just read emails and leave them there. Knowing that if I need them again I can use the search function and if I don’t need them again they can just sit there minding their own business and meaning absolutely nothing about who I am.

Leadership Development Coach

I really enjoyed my Mace experience with Helen.

I didn’t know much about it to start with and Helen explained it all brilliantly, and was a wonderful guide through it.

Although I had some specific things to work on – like my relationship with my daughter, and a difficult relationship with money – other things came up and it was quite organic.

The biggest thing was being able to view the same (previously problematic) thing that I started out with from a completely different and calm perspective and having a deep sense of that being the real me.

Since the sessions I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how I’ve caught myself responding calmly instead of reacting tensely in a number of situations.

Mum and Business Owner

I came into the Mace Energy Method meeting with an open mind as to what effects I would experience. I’d been struggling with upheaval in family life, work, and finances. I felt deflated and wanted to get my motivation back.

I left the meeting feeling mentally cleansed and unexpectedly happier than I have been for many years.

I would definitely recommend it (and already have done) to friends and colleagues who want to rid themselves of negative identities and perceptions stored in their psyche.


Business Executive

Having struggled with imposter syndrome at work for as long as I can remember the sensation of having become Teflon coated when faced with the ‘slights’ of others has been wonderful. I no longer hear a criticism of my work in everything others say, I don’t immediately think it’s my failure/worthlessness when something has gone wrong and when someone is having a pop at me, I see their insecurities and sit safe in the knowledge I have done my best.

Before my Mace sessions my mindless phone scrolling was off the charts. I knew why I was doing it but still I continued. After Mace that constant urge to pick up the phone has gone. I still pick up my phone and look at socials but much less often and for a shorter time.

I feel much lighter in the face of conflict. Previously, I would be paralysed by aggression directed at me but after Mace I find myself more able to stand strong in the face of the anger of others.

In general, life feels much easier since my Mace sessions with Helen. I face the world with a sense of lightness that wasn’t present before, feeling more grounded in my true self.

Leadership Development Professional

“It’s like I’ve let go of a chip on my shoulder I didn’t even know I was carrying.

I feel lighter, more open and appreciative.”

Transformation Coach

“The results were nothing short of transformative. My energy has quite literally been on fire! 

This surge of vitality led to something unexpected – a deep decluttering of my home.

I’ve cleared out years of accumulated items from my spare room, organised cupboards and wardrobes, and donated countless items to charity. 

It’s been incredibly cathartic.

Leadership Coach and Mum

I have definitely been feeling so much lighter and clearer since doing the Mace process with you Helen. It really is a powerful process for clearing up negative identity patterns, and your calm presence was very supportive in creating a safe space for the inquiry to flow.

I have found that since we completed the sessions it is much easier to detect and be with any small residual patterns of resistance when they arise. There was a momentary ‘blip’ when my daughter and family left after the New Year and the house became quiet again, but I discovered there was no need to get caught up in that old pattern associated with being alone!

I would definitely recommend you, and the Mace process, to anyone that wants to clear their negative identity patterns.


There has been a generalised softening of intensity with regards to negative emotions and I have found it so very much easier to allow spikey thoughts to pass through unmolested!!

There is a quietness which is easier to reach and rest in as a truer form of ‘self’. I find it much easier to let everything be as it is because I know where my own reality lies now and that does not require anything to move into position for it to feel good. It already is good and nothing outside of it, good or bad, makes a scrap of difference to it!

I still get triggered by ‘stuff ‘ but I am in a position to remember that my reality never requires change and off it then flows!

I had my Foundation Sessions with Helen at the end of 2024 and I must say they have proved to be powerful. I ended up needing three sessions, and my experience over that time was of incremental lightening of conditioning. In fact after the first session there were fears and some doubt. The second session was more powerful still. But it took the third session to really make inroads into some long term, heavy conditioning.

Since this time life has continued as before but with a greater sense of ease and peace. As Helen says this is all about finding out what we really are and from that place life can just be lived as it presents itself in an easier way.

Thanks Helen, this is a crazy technique but effective!

Parent of older kids

So much has changed. I’m really doing very well. You’ve always said everything’s going perfectly and now I’m seeing it!

I’m simply enjoying life more. I’m very clear that I don’t know how long I’ve got left – none of us do – so I’m making the most of every day. I feel lighter. I’m not judging things. It’s really an incredible shift.

I still have the pain but I can just experience it as a sensation now. I’m not getting caught up in stories about it. I’m just really enjoying life.

My daughter came to stay and we’ve had such a challenging relationship in the past but it was amazing and we had the best time. Incredible after so many years of her getting angry with me.

My sister too. We struggled in our relationship for so long and although we’re not in communication more, there’s been a change from feeling angry towards her, hating her even, to now feeling such gratitude to her for all she’s done for my daughter over the years.

Thank you Helen, Mace has helped make this possible.


The thing I’ve noticed is I don’t have any reactive feelings. When I experience thoughts that used to trigger difficult feelings in me, there now seems to be no energetic response; the thoughts simply pass me by.

My business coach last week questioned a lot of what I was doing. There were thoughts there about whether I was getting it wrong, but there was no energy to them. There was just an ‘oh yeah, I could do something differently.’ There were no feelings of being wrong, or thoughts of being an idiot. I wasn’t super confident either, there was just this sense of it being OK. No unicorns or rainbows, just OK. No worry or fear. Just a practical recognition that I might change something.

In fact I feel kind of empty, a weird but nice quietness. At the weekend I could feel this complete OK-ness that anything that’s happening is OK. For example I reacted to my kids and in the past that would have sent me into judgements about not being enlightened enough yet. But now it feels like this is all part of it. And I can still learn from my experiences. I might learn something or change something and not react to the kids. But it didn’t send me into seeking.

In fact that’s a big change. I’m not seeking. I’m not trying to find problems. There’s nothing to get het up about.

For example, this morning I went to write a post for LinkedIn and I couldn’t think of anything. But it didn’t feel like a problem. Even the thought ‘Do I not care anymore?’ didn’t feel like a problem. I’m still getting my work done, I’m still coaching, and looking forward to coaching, my clients.

There’s less trying to get away from myself. There used to be a constant feeling that there was someone else I should be. And it’s gone.

It’s like there’s something significant that’s missing – but now it’s gone I realise I don’t need it!

Self Employed Coach

After our session I’ve noticed a few things and wanted to share. One is a sense of freedom and lightness and there’s so much less censoring of myself. There’s also a greater clarity about what I bring, and how I serve others. So that’s cool!

I also had an experience where I was so tired. The old me would have felt guilty with thoughts like ‘I should stay and help’. But instead I just said goodnight and that I was going to bed. I had this feeling that I matter, and I took care of myself, and it felt good.

Thank you!

Coach and Business Owner

Since my Foundation Sessions I’ve experienced more creativity and flow. I feel like I’m experimenting more. Cutting loose like I used to when I was younger. I’ve spent so much less time second guessing and I’ve had a really consistent experience of enjoyment. I feel more settled into myself, with so much less of the constant worry there used to be.

In fact I had a great example to show how it used to be compared to now. A client cancelled part way through their programme this time last year. At that time there was a visceral fear reaction. A panic. But last week, I had almost the exact same experience, with a client saying they didn’t want to continue their programme and there wasn’t that feeling of abandonment. There was no feeling that I’d screwed up. There was no stickiness. There was sadness, I’ve enjoyed working with him. But then the most amazing thing. We met to close things off properly and had the richest session that added value and had him go off well prepared for what he’s doing next. That would never have been possible last year.

Thank you Helen!

Coach and Entrepreneur

I had never heard of the Mace Energy Method before. But after checking it would be good for me to try, and booking my Foundation Sessions, I went ahead.

I experienced an instantaneous ‘lifting’ and lightness during the sessions with Helen as if I’d taken a breath of laughing gas.

The lifting effect is subtle yet lasting and powerful.

There really is no need to carry around the backpack of bullshit that we all strap on every day.

Helen is a joy to work with and the Mace process is a tremendous opportunity for learning and ‘lifting’.

Invest in some Mace sessions with Helen you will likely meet someone who has been dying to meet you…

‘ Yourself ‘!

Thanks Helen ♥️


I feel really good! It has sunk in more now. Work feels a lot lighter and better. A huge difference!

Thank you so much for the help.

Exec-Level Leader

I have made a remarkable discovery since my Mace session.

I know I said that I reached rock bottom about a week later, however it seemed that I needed to do this. I think it was something that you said Helen, along the lines that each of us have our own agenda and this is the way it is. Straight away I could see why it was so hard for me to let go, which I knew was needed.

I instantly stopped trying to make my husband change – I stopped trying to put a square peg in a round hole. He is who he is, with his own identity, and why does it need to be the same as mine?

Since then. we have both been blooming! I feel a different person, so peaceful, loving and gentle. So happy, light and enthusiastic. I knew after my Foundation Sessions that I needed to let go, but it was not coming naturally! Then it clicked into place and made so much sense. Then everything got better.

Also, I know you mentioned sleep in one of your posts. I am going to bed about 10.30 and up awake about 5.30 or 6. Sleeping well. Not feeling nearly so tired. And this has to be result of Mace too.

With love.

A delighted client!

“I feel so lucky to have bumped into Helen a few years ago, I love being around her and it often feels magical ! she has been a very important and inspirational person in my life, as my coach, guide, mentor and a loving friend. She never fails to intrigue me.

When she first mentioned her encounter with the Mace Energy Method in the Wild Fig Community, she did so with such radiance and joy it was clear she’d seen something huge. What I love about Helen is her tenacity to go toward something she really believes in.

As she was still training to practice the Mace Energy Method I grew more curious about what she was sharing with us and couldn’t wait to try it out for myself, so I decided to go with another practitioner, as Helen wasn’t yet qualified. Following my initial 2 hour session I began to feel pleasantly ‘empty’, like a huge weight had been lifted off me, and there seemed so much more capacity and space to live life with more reliable clarity and authenticity than I had seen previously. This continued to expand, allowing more of the unconscious, deeply impacted below the surface stuff to emerge without much ego involvement or resistance. It seemed like there was more courage available to hold and witness everything unfolding.

After a while this expanded feeling plateaued. Things continued to settle and shift but not at the same initial speed. Once Helen was ready to take clients I didn’t hesitate to book a Subsequent Session with her. I had a few obvious things that I wanted to clear that had seemed to become freed up from my initial Foundation Sessions.

Now I have so much available ‘right now’ capacity without it going via the uncertainty loop of questioning / narratives… that loop of questioning / narratives has been noticeably quiet !! It feels like so much alignment with the whole system. It feels integrative, conscious and liberating!

I was astounded by how quick and direct Helen worked through my ‘stuff’ and discreation happened swiftly – it was really cool! I felt complete and clear after our session and I love how simple and effective this method is. It quite literally blows my mind !


“Helen is an amazing practitioner. I shared with her the energetic stuckness / block I was feeling around clients paying.

Whenever it came time for clients to pay, I would feel frozen or frazzled, wondering whether they would pay or not and go into unhelpful thoughts of how it would affect my bank account and life.

This would take all my attention off the activities that make me money and cause me to get frustrated / push clients away.

Creating the very things I didn’t want!

Well, after working with Helen for a half hour. I get off our call and see that a client sent me money!

This work is fast and life changing!

Plus, no more energetic stuckness or frazzled feelings.”

Anon, Business Owner

When Helen says the the Mace Energy Method is the final word in the transformation journey – believe her!

I came to Mace as a cynic. I’ve been a therapy practitioner for 10 years and have bought into scores of NEXT BIG THINGS to create lasting change. I’ve spent tens of thousands on the healing journey, both for my clients and myself.

Mace seemed too simple, too easy, too good to be true. It sounded like reinventing the wheel again.

But I trust Helen and was swayed by her enthusiasm so I booked my foundation sessions. AND MY MIND WAS BLOWN.

Even after a few moments of the transformation work, I started to feel high. I had an almost indescribable feeling in my chest of energy; of elation. I couldn’t come down. I felt like a child again – bursting with delight for everything. I was like that for a week.

But more importantly, things in my reality were different.

I thought I’d dealt with all my stuff before – but I realised it had never really gone but just tidied up in the background of my life. My stuff had become like magnolia paint: there without noticing it.

Helen used the Mace Energy Method to take a paint-stripper to my negative identities: quiet beliefs that had not been seen or examined for years but just lived with subconsciously: A belief I was fundamentally unattractive after a boy laughed when I asked him out, when aged 15, was just blitzed.

How did I know? Because I’ve not had that thought since. There is no question about whether I am attractive or not. I just am as I am.

And when I went out dancing, I never checked the mirror once all night. I never wondered when I would be invited onto the dance floor. I never rated my appearance against the other people in the room. ALL THE TYPICAL THOUGHTS AND BEHAVIOURS JUST WEREN’T THERE.

Can you imagine how good it is to feel clean and clear and free to be yourself? That’s exactly how it feels after a Mace Energy Method session with Helen.

And the best bit is, it lasts. Every negative identity that has been deleted, has stayed gone.

Helen is absolutely right. She knows it is the last word in transformation, and now I’ve experienced it too.

I am already compiling my negative identity list to take back to Helen and I would urge anyone and everyone to do the same. She and the Mace Energy Method really are the best.”

Alexandra, Hypnotherapist
