What Clients Say

Do you want this too?

I had never heard of the Mace Energy Method before. But after checking it would be good for me to try, and booking my Foundation Sessions, I went ahead.

I experienced an instantaneous ‘lifting’ and lightness during the sessions with Helen as if I’d taken a breath of laughing gas.

The lifting effect is subtle yet lasting and powerful.

There really is no need to carry around the backpack of bullshit that we all strap on every day.

Helen is a joy to work with and the Mace process is a tremendous opportunity for learning and ‘lifting’.

Invest in some Mace sessions with Helen you will likely meet someone who has been dying to meet you…

‘ Yourself ‘!

Thanks Helen ♥️


I feel really good! It has sunk in more now. Work feels a lot lighter and better. A huge difference! Thank you so much for the help.

Exec-Level Leader

I have made a remarkable discovery since my Mace session.

I know I said that I reached rock bottom about a week later, however it seemed that I needed to do this. I think it was something that you said Helen, along the lines that each of us have our own agenda and this is the way it is. Straight away I could see why it was so hard for me to let go, which I knew was needed.

I instantly stopped trying to make my husband change – I stopped trying to put a square peg in a round hole. He is who he is, with his own identity, and why does it need to be the same as mine?

Since then. we have both been blooming! I feel a different person, so peaceful, loving and gentle. So happy, light and enthusiastic. I knew after my Foundation Sessions that I needed to let go, but it was not coming naturally! Then it clicked into place and made so much sense. Then everything got better.

Also, I know you mentioned sleep in one of your posts. I am going to bed about 10.30 and up awake about 5.30 or 6. Sleeping well. Not feeling nearly so tired. And this has to be result of Mace too.

With love.

A delighted client!

“I feel so lucky to have bumped into Helen a few years ago, I love being around her and it often feels magical ! she has been a very important and inspirational person in my life, as my coach, guide, mentor and a loving friend. She never fails to intrigue me.

When she first mentioned her encounter with the Mace Energy Method in the Wild Fig Community, she did so with such radiance and joy it was clear she’d seen something huge. What I love about Helen is her tenacity to go toward something she really believes in.

As she was still training to practice the Mace Energy Method I grew more curious about what she was sharing with us and couldn’t wait to try it out for myself, so I decided to go with another practitioner, as Helen wasn’t yet qualified. Following my initial 2 hour session I began to feel pleasantly ‘empty’, like a huge weight had been lifted off me, and there seemed so much more capacity and space to live life with more reliable clarity and authenticity than I had seen previously. This continued to expand, allowing more of the unconscious, deeply impacted below the surface stuff to emerge without much ego involvement or resistance. It seemed like there was more courage available to hold and witness everything unfolding.

After a while this expanded feeling plateaued. Things continued to settle and shift but not at the same initial speed. Once Helen was ready to take clients I didn’t hesitate to book a Subsequent Session with her. I had a few obvious things that I wanted to clear that had seemed to become freed up from my initial Foundation Sessions.

Now I have so much available ‘right now’ capacity without it going via the uncertainty loop of questioning / narratives… that loop of questioning / narratives has been noticeably quiet !! It feels like so much alignment with the whole system. It feels integrative, conscious and liberating!

I was astounded by how quick and direct Helen worked through my ‘stuff’ and discreation happened swiftly – it was really cool! I felt complete and clear after our session and I love how simple and effective this method is. It quite literally blows my mind !


“Helen is an amazing practitioner. I shared with her the energetic stuckness / block I was feeling around clients paying.

Whenever it came time for clients to pay, I would feel frozen or frazzled, wondering whether they would pay or not and go into unhelpful thoughts of how it would affect my bank account and life.

This would take all my attention off the activities that make me money and cause me to get frustrated / push clients away.

Creating the very things I didn’t want!

Well, after working with Helen for a half hour. I get off our call and see that a client sent me money!

This work is fast and life changing!

Plus, no more energetic stuckness or frazzled feelings.”

Anon, Business Owner

When Helen says the the Mace Energy Method is the final word in the transformation journey – believe her!

I came to Mace as a cynic. I’ve been a therapy practitioner for 10 years and have bought into scores of NEXT BIG THINGS to create lasting change. I’ve spent tens of thousands on the healing journey, both for my clients and myself.

Mace seemed too simple, too easy, too good to be true. It sounded like reinventing the wheel again.

But I trust Helen and was swayed by her enthusiasm so I booked my foundation sessions. AND MY MIND WAS BLOWN.

Even after a few moments of the transformation work, I started to feel high. I had an almost indescribable feeling in my chest of energy; of elation. I couldn’t come down. I felt like a child again – bursting with delight for everything. I was like that for a week.

But more importantly, things in my reality were different.

I thought I’d dealt with all my stuff before – but I realised it had never really gone but just tidied up in the background of my life. My stuff had become like magnolia paint: there without noticing it.

Helen used the Mace Energy Method to take a paint-stripper to my negative identities: quiet beliefs that had not been seen or examined for years but just lived with subconsciously: A belief I was fundamentally unattractive after a boy laughed when I asked him out, when aged 15, was just blitzed.

How did I know? Because I’ve not had that thought since. There is no question about whether I am attractive or not. I just am as I am.

And when I went out dancing, I never checked the mirror once all night. I never wondered when I would be invited onto the dance floor. I never rated my appearance against the other people in the room. ALL THE TYPICAL THOUGHTS AND BEHAVIOURS JUST WEREN’T THERE.

Can you imagine how good it is to feel clean and clear and free to be yourself? That’s exactly how it feels after a Mace Energy Method session with Helen.

And the best bit is, it lasts. Every negative identity that has been deleted, has stayed gone.

Helen is absolutely right. She knows it is the last word in transformation, and now I’ve experienced it too.

I am already compiling my negative identity list to take back to Helen and I would urge anyone and everyone to do the same. She and the Mace Energy Method really are the best.”

Alexandra, Hypnotherapist

I came to Mace for specific help, as I wanted to be less angry and reactive when dealing with my husband. I was always trying to be mindful when he pushed my buttons but it never quite worked.

Now, through the Mace process, I realised that I could just let it go, and that’s what I’m doing now. So simple. Something that I’d never thought of doing. It was by going back into the past when I was a child, facing what was so traumatic, at the time, and dealing with it, the Mace way, I realised that I could now let it go. I have also found my sense of humour, and I’m able to use this at times, when dealing with stresses. Ross has naturally become less defensive too. It’s incredible.

My daughter realised straight away that I was different. Not worrying about things as much. She was so pleased that she bought me lunch! For me, when I finished the Mace session I felt like I had a clean slate.

Llevelyse; Grandmother, Mother, Friend

“I went to Helen for a subsequent session due to a feeling of dread that had been triggered by an email I received. Helen guided me beautifully using Mace to discreate the resistance to the feeling. When checking that everything had been cleared, Helen noticed a movement in my body which indicated there was something else to process. I didn’t even realise it was significant till we started the process and I saw what it was about. At the end of this short session I felt so expansive and light. Thank you Helen!”

Nicky, Therapist

“Helen is a very talented practitioner who over the last few years has helped me understand that when I suffer I have identified with something that is not my true self. But finding these negative identities, and dealing with them, was a problem until Helen trained in the Mace Energy Method. With her skill and compassion she expertly guided me into finding and eliminating these negative identities. As a result I feel and live from my true self. Helen is the perfect practitioner for anyone who wants a direct, simple and effective method to solving what is holding you back and stopping you from reaching your full potential.”

Una, Grandmother

“Helen’s skills as a MEM Practitioner have been life-changing. Her ability to create a safe, nurturing environment allowed me to follow the process to address deep-seated issues I hadn’t realised were holding me back. As well as the ones I knew about – like feelings of inadequacy that have haunted me all my life. Through her expert guidance with the process, I’ve experienced significant positive changes in my relationships, career and overall wellbeing. Helen’s warmth and the effectiveness of the Mace Method make her an exceptional choice for anyone seeking personal growth and emotional freedom.”

Kate, Small Business Owner
