What’s The Problem We’re Solving Here?

The Enlightenment Event

It’s just brilliant! Unbelievable to bring all these people together and
provide something like a wellbeing weekend, but which lasts for many months. Enlightenment Event Member

You feel like you lack.

This can show up as self doubt – am I good enough to do this? Do I have the skills / ability / confidence for this?

Or general doubt and uncertainty – is this work good enough? Or right? Will someone say I got it wrong? Or laugh at me? Will I look stupid?

It can show up as holding back – I don’t think I can do this. I’m afraid to say that / do that / post that / put myself out there.

Or it can show up as effort (and exhaustion) – I have to do this. I can do this. I have to push on through. I have no choice. I have to prove. I have to do it all.

It can also show up as reaction – against those who seem to have it sorted. Against yourself for not having it sorted.

How much is some (or all) of this happening in your life?

What impact is it having in your life? In your work? In your relationships? On your health?

Where are you struggling – unnecessarily struggling – with these ideas of lack?

Where is this a problem that you want to solve?

Because these ideas of lack can absolutely be solved.

Imagine what it could be like if this was no longer your experience?

Imagine what it could be like if your life was filled with…


These traits are all signs of you in your whole-ness.

And this is what we want for you.

To be this whole-ness.

Not the lack.

The lack sucks!!

Do you want to be free of this too?

With love, Helen

Join us for Whole-istic Enlightenment

This coming month of July is for you to remember your wholeness, and forget the lack, using modalities that meet the wholeness that you are.

Want to hear more?

We’ve got videos for you…

Why we’re interested in you remembering your wholeness here.

How Imogen’s going to light that up in you here.

How Heather’s going to ignite that in you here.

Join us for Whole-istic Enlightenment

What You Get

4 live, practical, deep dive – let’s do something about this – calls. With a focus on energy work.

1 bonus Integrating Transmission

1 Community space to connect and ask.

Your choice for what to invest (£333, £177 or £87)

All calls recorded.

All self-contained – no pre-requisite to joining.

And it’s all here, for all of you.

Join us for Whole-istic Enlightenment

More Details…

We start on Wednesday with our Opening Call (2pm). I’ll – of course! – contextualise the month with the river. We’ll get clear about the wholeness of you – in ALL ways. And – given the theme of light and fire – I’ll provide an Energy Transmission towards the end of the call with the intention of supporting your remembrance of both your light and your fire.

Then we have our workshop with Imogen on the 10th (2pm), explaining all about Divine Light Transmissions, why nobody is really ‘giving’ you anything in a transmission, and Imogen will also offer a live Divine Light Transmission live on the call.

Next up on the 17th (7pm) Heather will guide you to connect into yourself energetically, and to connect to the wholeness of the fires within – be they dormant, just starting to spark, or fully roaring. To see yourself fully because this awareness of the wholeness of you is the fertile space from which you move, evolve and transform.

Our Closing Call is then on 24th (1pm) where all three of me, Imogen and Heather will be there, to respond to anything and everything that has lit up or sparked for you this month!

Finally, to tie a beautiful energetic bow on the month – Imogen is providing the Integrating Transmission on 1st August (8pm).

Join us for Whole-istic Enlightenment

Doors close Wednesday morning – so best not hang around.

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