I Used to React Against This

Enlightenment Event, Imogen Sita Webber, Heather Egginton,

I hadn’t spotted this before!
I just watched Imogen’s and Heather’s conversations back to back and heard the alignment between them both, but expressed uniquely.
Both sharing that you are the light.
That their job is to be that light and remind you that you are that too.
And that what supports that process is your yes to yourself so that you move towards full approval of all that you are.

Do you?

Here’s what it is…

“You are perfect exactly as you are”

This is something Heather often talks about, as she sees the whole-istic perfection in everyone. And she talked about it again in her recent conversation on The Scrumptious Woman podcast.

But I didn’t react!

In fact I didn’t even notice this shift until, in a fb conversation about it, Heather asked me “any takeaways from it or even thoughts to share as review?”

I started typing, and this is what came out – surprising me too, in the recognition, as the words flowed..

“The thing I noticed for me was a different response to ‘we’re all perfect as we are’.

Normally that’s met with an instantaneous ‘well that’s not entirely true’ – because I’ve always also seen ‘we always have things we can learn and improve’.

Whereas today that reaction didn’t happen. And I’m seeing that the ‘always learning and improving’ is part of the perfection! Not a ‘fixing because we got it wrong / are wrong’.

Thank you!

And here you are living exactly what you said in the conversation – opening doors with questions.

This feels like the perfect insight to take to the newsletter with the episode!”

And so here we are!

What does it look like to you?

“You are perfect exactly as you are”

Do you react or come up with reasons ‘why not’ in response to this?

Would you like to feel that wholeness and perfection, in and with, everything exactly as it is? Including you.

Got a yes?

We’d love you to join us for July! Click here and choose your pricing level.

Want to listen to Heather first? Listen on Spotify or Apple.

Feel the Perfection of All of You

Your spiritual nature is already wholeness – always has been, always will be. It already doesn’t resist or react or judge anything about you as a person. It is the benevolence – the unconditionally loving space of your spiritual nature.

Imogen will be tapping you into that divine light of your being on the 10th.

Your humanness is already wholeness – always has been, always will be. You already contain all the delight and all the disappointment. You already contain all the fun and all the grumpiness. You already contain all the ease and all the stress. The friend and the bitch. The kind and the harsh. The one others love and the one others can’t stand.

Heather will be igniting the whole fire within you on the 17th.

And these workshops are topped and tailed with calls to open up the space, and to close it. And then brought to full completion with a Divine Light Transmission with Imogen on the 1st of August, supporting your movement forward.

Would you like to join us?

All calls are recorded.

It’s all self-contained so there’s no pre-requisite to joining.

And it’s all here, for all of you.

Remember – if you’re one of the first 10 people to join on £177 or £333, you get a bonus, private 1:1 session.

Join July’s Whole-istic Enlightenment Here

Much love

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