What can I tell you about Physical Enlightenment?

physical enlightenment Helen Amery

Well first, the doors are open for May!

What we’re doing this month isn’t fixing, or healing the body. It’s not about changing the body in any way. You won’t hear any promises of changes in weight, shape, health or performance.

All these things could happen, but that’s not where our attention will be.

Our attention will be on being with the body as it is.

Falling in love with it again.

Or at the very least, starting to recognise that resistance towards the body is only keeping us in patterns of stasis and stuck-ness.

We’ve pushed, pulled, manipulated, coerced and over-ridden the body for so long. And it only results in more suffering.

It’s time to align with the body from our nature of loving inclusion. To release and relax the body. To hear what it wants to say. To lighten our relationship with it.

Want to find out more?

At the end of last week’s masterclass, I shared about what’s coming up in May. Including amazing, spontaneous, heartfelt testimonials from three of the group.

Watch it here, or click below.

“I’m a very head person and I started off very much in my head but it feels like I’m being carried down the river, gently moved away from my head to other places.

I’m being carried to explore places I’ve not wanted to explore but at the same time it’s a very friendly river, there’s nothing hostile about it.

All the women are absolutely incredible and the energy that everybody brings is so kind and so loving and so gentle.”
“It’s a very holding space, the week’s flow by. It’s seamless.”
“The way it leads on from one thing to the next. It truly is brilliant!”

If you want more – more connection, more depth, more love, more freedom with the body…

…Physical Enlightenment is now here in The Enlightenment Event. Doors are open from today – 1st – to the morning of 8th.

Deepen your relationship with the body

We’ve scolded it, judged it, criticised it, pushed it to its limits, manipulated it, wished it was different…

And now – if you’re done with that – we’re going to turn towards it.

To include the body exactly as it is.

To meet it exactly as it is.

To bring loving attention to it. Support it to express. And breathe life into it.

Relaxing and releasing.

Bringing you back to the freedom of expression that is you. Here. Now. As this body.

See all the info here.

You have three payment options

Whichever payment option is right for you, everyone gets the same access, including access to all the content since we started in Feb.

1. I choose £333
2. I choose £177 (because I want to become a Wild Fig Community member too)
3. I choose £87

The first 10 people to join May on £333 and £177 receive a bonus, private 1:1 session with the expert of their choice.

Anna, Emily and I look forward to welcoming you in!

What do you want to ask?

Email me here all questions, wonderings and curiosities are very welcome.

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