Why Conscious Parenting Matters

In the ultimate truth of life, it doesn’t. At this human level — boy we love the feeling of living in alignment with the truth of who we are.

Why Conscious Parenting Matters

Because you’re hurting yourself, and those around you, by remaining unconscious.

Now, in truth, life doesn’t mind about that. Look around you. Look at the news. There is hurt and devastation happening everywhere. Who you really are — as unconditional love — really has zero judgement. Zero! And therefore has zero issue with how you live your life. You have ultimate freedom to live it in any way you choose.

​But…here, at the relative level, living as a human, we REALLY love it when we aren’t hurting ourselves or others. We really love living in alignment with who we really are. It feels so GOOD!

Given you love living in alignment, it’s why you feel so guilty when you react and yell at your kids.

Your human heart knows that yelling and guilt aren’t in alignment with the truth of who you are.

Given you love living in alignment, it’s why you ​feel so much shame about the judgements you place on your kids for how they’re living their lives.

​​Your human heart knows that shame and judgement aren’t in alignment with the truth of who you are.

Given you love living in alignment, it’s why you feel such angst when you’re in resistance to your kids behaviour.

​​Your human heart knows that angst and resistance aren’t in alignment with the truth of who you are. ​​​​​
So thank you to our hearts for sounding the alarm. 100% reliably letting us know when we’ve temporarily forgotten who we really are.

100% reliably helping us to wake up from unconscious reactions, and into the feelings of the aligned consciousness that we already are.​

All available so we can stop hurting ourselves, and those around us, and return to living in alignment with the truth of who we are.​​​

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Join our Conscious Parenting Programme. Early bird pricing ends midnight 8th July.

P.S. Pip and I have created a whole bunch of insightful content for The Conscious Parenting Programme. Go to the Playlist and follow your heart to what you want to watch.

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