This is for one session. To book a block of sessions just get in touch.
Energy Transmissions
What are Transmissions?
Transmissions are the focusing of energy into your physical system to support the awakening and enlightenment process.
Often people ask if it’s like Reiki – which is a yes and no.
Yes because there is a transmission of energy in both approaches.
No because with transmissions I bring the energy directly into your physical system, without it channeling through mine first.
In this video I tell you about energy transmissions which I offer to support your awakening and enlightenment.
This is something I never thought I’d be doing – and yet here I am!
Fundamentally energy transmissions get to before the mind and beyond language which conversations simply can’t reach.
By the way, my cat Portia joins us during this video but – just so you know – she isn’t in the room with me for transmissions! As you’ll see – that would make it a bit distracting.
Why would you have Transmissions?
1. Because you’re done with recurring patterns of thought and and feeling. And you’re also done with talking about them! You want something that will get to before the mind.
2. Because you want to boost your conversation-based sessions. You still have aspects of experience you want to explore with inquiry, but you know transmissions will support this more powerfully than language alone.
3. Because you just love to receive energy to support the physical system with its upgrades and alignments.
This is perfect for you if
- You’ve been exploring nonduality for a while and you’re ready to work at a deeper level.
- You’re done with talking, exploring and inquiring.
- You’re fascinated by the different energetic solutions that support us.
- You want to have awakening and/or enlightenment conversations with me and you feel this would boost that experience.
Before you go further
Did you know you get 20% off Transmissions in the Wild Fig Community?
Plus – members get the option to pay what you can.
It’s really worth joining as a member to get all this.
Book a Discovery Call so I can tell you more about these benefits.
What others say…
“Transmissions have been a great experience for me. I hadn’t ever done anything like this previously.
When I have them it feels like I’m going into a spa to have a treatment. Sometimes tears come. Sometimes I feel wonderful. Sometimes I feel energised and excited.
It’s worked really well having these alongside coaching conversations with Helen. The transmissions are really helping me on my journey and I can really see the benefits from them so I’d recommend them. I’ll be continuing with them!”
(You can watch Clare’s full testimonial here.)
Clare, Recruitment Pro
Nicky, Coach and Spiritual Guide
Jacquie, Coach
How do I book in?
Read the Transmission FAQs further down this page to make sure you’re ready and have checked in with yourself about going ahead. You need to message or email me to confirm you’ve read the FAQs before we start.
Book your 30-minute Taster – If you’ve not had transmissions with me before, book your Taster Session here.
Choose which option you want:
1. One 30-minute Transmission Session – Click the Book Now button. This will take you through the payment process and get you all the info you need. These sessions include some conversation first to check in on how you are, and to clarify any intentions.
2. One Hour Session: Conversation + Transmission – Choose between an Awakening or an Enlightenment Conversation and we’ll spend the last 15 to 30 minutes of the hour in Transmission.
3. More Than One Session – Book a Discovery Call so we can talk about what you want and arrange payment.
Did you know there’s a discounted members’ rate for Transmissions within the Wild Fig Community? Book a Discovery Call to find out more about the community and discounts.
If money seems a barrier to progressing, please book a call anyway so we can talk. I have various options to suit different budgets.
I look forward to working with you!
Ready for Deepening and Integrating?
Got Questions?
Drop me an email
Book a discovery call
A call to find out about each other to see if we want to work together.
Frequently Asked Questions
Before you have a transmission you need to read these FAQs and then message or email me to confirm you have done that.
This is unique to you given you are on your unique path. However, my overall intention with all transmissions is your awakening and enlightenment.
This means both the dissolution of the belief in being a separate ‘me’ and dissolution or transmutation of beliefs that you will benefit from having enlightened.
Revealing more of the authentic, alive you.
If there is ever a specific intention for a session we talk about that before we start the transmission.
I am also able to check-in with your higher self before the transmission starts to fine-tune any intention, or pin point any beliefs.
As a result, you get an increasingly lighter and more aligned experience of being you. It’s a glorious feeling!
The fact you’re here exploring this suggests it is right for you.
And it’s important you check-in with yourself to make sure that’s the case. Only you can know your inner experience, and only you can feel whether something is right for you or not.
A Taster is a great way to get a feel for the experience and for us to meet so you can double check this right for you.
In my experience, life only gives us what we’re ready for (even if we don’t think we can handle it or are ready for it!).
It is also my experience that the transmissions are intelligent and provide exactly what you need at the time it’s needed.
Sometimes transmissions can surface some old conditioning so you want to feel up for that; it can be emotional and bring ups and downs.
Of course you can always pause having transmissions for a while if you feel you want to take a break and integrate for a few weeks.
If you are experiencing any kind of mental health crisis, please speak to a licensed professional in that field to support your decision.
Also please do not mix any drugs, including plant medicines, with transmissions due to the unknown impact of mixing therapies.
Before you have a transmission you need to read these FAQs and then message or email me to confirm you have done that.
You don’t need to know. The same as you do an inner-check about whether you start, you will be doing inner-checks about whether to pause or stop receiving them.
If the focus in them has been the full dissolution of the belief in being a separate self, this naturally leads to a significantly easier experience and might be an obvious time to stop. But you may also want to continue with them as you continue to enlighten and integrate.
If it’s one-to-one sessions I suggest a minimum of a fortnight (two weeks) because then you have integrated the energy ready for the next session.
With group sessions the energy is less intense so the frequency isn’t such a great factor. However always be checking in with your own body and mind system.
You sit and relax! It’s very easy. You sit as though in meditation. Choosing whether to be on mute or not. Your mind will wander and that is fine – nothing your mind does can impact the energy.
At the end I will play the gong again, we say a quiet thanks, and then you stay resting in that energetic space for as long as you can or want to. 15 minutes is great if you can. You might want longer.
Everyone’s experience is unique. Sometimes people see colours, feel physical sensations, or sometimes there’s no obvious difference. There is no right way so whatever happens, it’s OK. And if you’re concerned or want to check anything out, just ask.
What I can say is that, everyone leaves feeling calm, quiet, and with loving feelings. Even if that was all you got from it, that sounds worth it to me!
Sometimes people notice (as I did) a cycle of experience between transmissions, going from the transmission and blissful feelings, to a few days or a week of lightness, followed by a week of bumpiness as conditioning surfaces.
This is what can make fortnightly sessions a good option because then you have integrated the energy ready for the next session.
You certainly can, I’m happy to share. Often it’s colours and textures. Just drop me a message and I’ll let you know.
The Taster is 30 mins (15 mins of getting to know each other and 15 mins of transmission time).
After that you choose to have:
A standalone 30 minute session
A transmission within a private awakening or enlightenment conversation session. Generally this means a maximum of 30 minutes and a minimum of 15 minutes of transmission time at the end of the session.
In short, no 🙂
I do recommend finding a comfortable private spot where you won’t be disturbed or too distracted. You’ll also want a good internet connection.
If we do ever get cut off part way through a session I continue the transmission remotely and we check-in afterwards.
Not at all. We meet over Zoom and, in the instance of a Remote Session, I call in the energies of you and your higher self before we begin.
Just ask –
Message with the chat function in here.
Email me.
Book a Discovery Call.
**Now you’ve read this – message or email me to confirm you have done that so that we can go ahead with your first transmission.**
I look forward to meeting you.