£75 per circle

Constellation Circles

See the patterns you have inherited that inform your life’s unfolding

We start again on Thursday 19th September 2024 at 7pm (UK) for 2 hours. And then constellations will happen monthly after that (dates are listed below).

What are Constellation Circles?

We offer this work for £75 a session.

Each Constellation Circle will run for 2 hours monthly on Thursday evening from 7-9pm (UK time)

Dates are:

2024: 19-Sep / 17-Oct / 21-Nov / 12-Dec

2025: 16-Jan / 13-Feb / 13-Mar / 10-Apr / 15-May / 12-Jun / 10-Jul

And the doors are now open to sign up to either the September session.

Join us to see the patterns you have inherited that have been informing your life’s unfolding

Each circle will consist of:

  • A full constellation for 1 person who is interested to understand how a current challenge might have its origins in their family history. It’s likely that I will have spoken to this person before the session to fully understand their situation.
  • An opportunity for some to ‘step in’ as representatives, and for others to remain in the holding of the circle and observing the process. There is no pressure to step in if it doesn’t feel right.
  • Space for us all to process any personal resonance and insight that the work has brought to light for us as individuals and to share any themes we see.
  • Ongoing connection in the Constellations Circle space so we can continue to see the insights and impact unfold over the weeks that follow.
Online Constellation Circle