
Enlightenment Conversations

Enlightenment conversations are here to lighten the beliefs and fears that keep you repeating the same patterns in life. This supports the revelation of your essential nature, by bringing presence to that which seems to obscure it.

This is for one, one-hour session. If you want more than one session, just get in touch.

What are Enlightenment?

Different people use the term ‘enlightenment’ differently. Some use it synonymously with awakening. But to me, it is a mutually supportive and yet distinct process.

I define enlightenment as the lightening of our psychological conditioning.

The process of unravelling this psychological conditioning aligns our words and actions with our essential nature of love, connection, authenticity, equality and integrity – that which we recognise in awakening.

If there was one quote to sum up my intention with the enlightenment process it’s this:

“If the only thing people learned was not to be afraid of their experience, that alone would change the world.” Syd Banks

That’s what I want for you with your enlightenment process – to become increasingly unafraid of all experience – at the mental, emotional and physical levels.

Enlightenment Conversations are perfect for you if:

  • You’ve had an awakening and you’re now in the process of enlightenment. This probably means life is oscillating between the lovely ease of that recognition of yourself, and tumultuous emotions and life challenges.
  • There are repeating patterns in your life that you’ve had enough of now and which don’t seem to be changing.
  • You’ve engaged in explorations that have lightened your thoughts but your feelings and body still react. You want to go a level deeper. Supporting full integration.
  • You’ve already had some enlightenment conversations with me, and you want a reconnecting boost.

Before you go further

Did you know you get 20% off Transmissions in the Wild Fig Community?

Plus – members get the option to pay what you can.

It’s really worth joining as a member to get all this.

Book a Discovery Call so I can tell you more about these benefits.

Find out more about the community here.

What others say…

“Helen’s presence is very calm, loving, and sincere, and she works intuitively alongside you to see the truth of what might be keeping you stuck. I felt safe, and I would be gently challenged with avoidance or resistance at the same time.”

Kate, Business Owner

Just being with a feeling without labels or resistance is new for me and very freeing.

Henrietta, Coach

“When you spend time with Helen the circus in your head comes to a peaceful end. You will quickly see and feel the attachments that are not serving you anymore. In the safe transformative space Helen creates, everything can be seen, observed and acknowledged in such way that they are let go of. This makes way for a new way of being to be realised, a new path to emerge.”

Heather, Leader and Coach

How do I book in?

For One (one hour) Conversation

Click the Book Now button at the bottom. This will take you through the payment process and get you all the info you need.

For 6 or More Enlightenment Conversations

Book a Discovery Call so we can talk about what you want. And so you get all the Membership benefits. (Note – I recommend at least 6 sessions if you’re committed to moving through your conditioning. It means we get to explore more deeply and create the space for integration.)

Benefits of booking 6 sessions or more:
* one month free access to the Wild Fig Community
* 20% off our conversations, or ‘pay what you can’.

Book a Discovery Call here to find out more and receive all of this.

If money seems a barrier to progressing, please book a call anyway so we can talk. I have various options to suit different budgets.

I look forward to working with you!

Ready for Your Integrated Enlightenment?

Got Questions?

Drop me an email

Book a discovery call

A call to find out about each other to see if we want to work together.
