I was thinking about where I was when I first signed up for The Enlightenment Event, compared to where I am now, and it’s night and day.
Want to shift from resistance to love?
Coming up, from 4th September, we have 6 weeks of immersive deep dive into the 6 themes of The Enlightenment Event. It’s a perfect opportunity to truly sink into this deeply loving journey of alignment with yourself.
Self-presence, instead of self abandonment.
It’s an amazing way to experience the journey deeper into yourself, so you can stay with yourself in moments of challenge or trigger.
‘Staying with’ your experience. Instead of your usual habit of escaping, avoiding, distracting, denying, blaming yourself, or blaming another.
These 6 weeks on their own could be enough for you to feel lighter and more aligned within yourself.
Or this overview might point you deeper in the direction of what you want more of – either within The Enlightenment Event itself, or with one of the experts direct.
It’s like a beautiful 6-course buffet from which you get to pick and choose what feels delicious for you.
Every 90 minute call will start with a reconnect to what each expert shared in their original workshop, leaving loads of space for questions and experiences – whether you’ve been in The Enlightenment Event already or not.
Want to see what’s on the menu?
4th September – Make it Visible – with Nicky Drew and Clare Dimond
This is all about moving towards what you want – moving towards what lights you up – so that the resistances in you, and against the world, provide the perfect pointers to what is available for enlightening. If you don’t know what life’s showing you, you won’t know how to look and see the blocks and barriers you’ve innocently built against love.
From unconscious reaction, to conscious response.
11th September – Psychological Enlightenment – with Amy Johnson and Grace Bell
Now that you know what can be enlightened, bring it to Psychological Enlightenment. Here we’re asking big questions of thought – what is thought, really? And are thoughts really true? Lightening the grip they seem to have on you so you’re no longer terrorised by the mind. Loosening the strength of belief you have in them so you don’t react in fear when they show up.
From fear and reaction, to curious inquiry and observation.
18th September – Emotional Enlightenment – with Steph Hodgson and Ilona Ciunaite
With thoughts feeling lighter, you get visibility of your feelings…and deeper….your emotions. Steph’s Tension and Trauma Release Exercises help shake the threat response out of the body, to help emotions flow again. Then, with them flowing, you might feel scared of some, especially if they’ve been suppressed a long time, so Ilona teaches you how to meet them. Unafraid.
From stuck-ness and resistance, to love and inclusion.
25th September – Physical Enlightenment – with Emily Phillips and Anna Sagar
And where are feelings and emotions felt? – In the body. And so we meet the physical body, with sound, thanks to Emily, and with the breath, thanks to Anna. No pushing. No forcing. No requiring. Or demanding. Just gentle, loving meeting. In ways that your physical system has been crying out for.
From avoidance and dismissal, to connection and remembrance.
2nd October – Spiritual Enlightenment – with Sara Priestley and Nicola Lipscombe
But you’re not just a person. You’re not limited to this human body. And so in this call you’re reminded of our spiritual nature. Sara showing you how ordinary, simple and everyday the direct path recognition of our spiritual nature is. Nicola showing you the surrendering in-and-down, meditative and poetic path, that leads you to that same spiritual nature.
From lack and limitation, to infinite and spacious.
9th October – Whole-isitc Enlightenment – with Imogen Sita-Webber and Heather Egginton
And all of the above is included. With the Whole-istic theme you get to see the inclusion of all. Imogen shows you, with her peaceful stillness, that all of the above are not only included, but in fact, are one seamless whole. With no true boundaries or edges. And Heather shows you, with her alive fire, that expansion into what’s wanted feels so good. And is the amplification of your unique, aligned light in the world.
From pushing and struggle. To being the light.
Join The Enlightenment Event
I’ve realised that I didn’t really want to feel comfortable in relationship with them, I wanted to feel comfortable with myself. And that means allowing for and embracing all the turbulence. Loving that too.”
What do you get?
You get to love yourself by loving all your experience.
You get a lighter experience of life –
Imagine not feeling the wrangle and tangle and battle of everyday decisions and interactions.
You get to release what’s been stuck in your system –
Imagine feeling at ease and in flow in your own body, rather than afraid of what this feeling means about me and what I’ve done wrong.
You get to feel aligned and in flow more of the time –
Imagine feeling at ease and in flow in life, enjoying the moment, rather than worrying how long it’ll last, what people might think, whether it’s enough, or whether there’s something you’ve missed.
You get to understand the map of enlightenment so you can make informed choices about ‘what’s next’ on your unique journey –
Imagine feeling in tune with your system so you know where you want to go next. Not because you’re broken, just because you want more of you.
Because you want to enjoy being more authentically you.
Starting at £87 a month.
What you get that’s already in there –
All the content since February. 6 themes, across 6 months, comprising 24 practical workshops (Make it Visible, Psychological, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, Whole-istic).
6 bonus energy transmissions – one at the end of each of those monthly journeys.
From September –
6 x 90 minute workshops with all the experts across the 6 themes. Providing an amazing immersion into the whole journey.
After that –
You choose!
You might get all you need from those 6 weeks, and head off into your life.
You might use the 6 weeks from September to decide what you want to focus on from earlier in the programme.
You might find an expert in the 6 themes who really resonates for you as your next person to work with directly.
The Enlightenment Event is open as a self-paced learning programme for you to play and engage and get alignment, for you.
Join The Enlightenment Event
Two things for you…
1. Did you know that if you buy The Enlightenment Summit, and later upgrade to The Enlightenment Event, we’ll discount the £75 of The Summit off your first month of The Event. This gives you a taster of all the experts through their Summit interviews, before diving in. All you do is buy the Summit here, then tell us when you want to upgrade.
2. Ask your questions. Simply email us here, we’d love to help.